People often think that they are the centre of the universe. Christianity takes a very different view about who and what is at the centre.
Christian Teaching
One of the biggest struggles you will have in your own life will be against your false self. I know, because it’s my biggest struggle too!
We’ve all felt that feeling. You’re driving home after a night out or a busy work day, when it hits you: You cringe at something you said.
Next time you dig into a donut, don’t think about the calories, think about how much you also need God’s Word, writes Sam Chan.
Eugene Peterson once said pastors should be ‘unbusy’, ‘subversive’ and ‘apocalyptic’. I say this should apply to ALL followers of Jesus.
Yvette Cherry encourages all gutsy, outspoken, take-action women of God to keep on stepping up and raising their voice.
Jesus probably wasn’t too fussy about what he ate. He even did some fast food eating himself one time… grain on the run.
The more we can trust that God is in control and cares for us, and that we don’t have to earn his approval, the more we’ll be able to “rest” .
Christians owe it to the future to again be classified as the kindest of all – people who love well, live well and serve well, writes Brian Harris.
The whole point of being a leader is to ‘eat last’; to serve; to sacrifice your personal good for the gain of the team, writes Sam Chan.