How do we make sense of the changes AI is bringing? What principles can we use to think through what we adopt and how we adopt it?
Christian Teaching
Tim Keller’s final book does what the writer did for the bulk of his ministry: it infuses a deep gracious call for spiritual transformation.
Ted Lasso episodes have become bloated. Episodes are now 60 minutes long. There’s more drama and less comedy. And everyone has daddy issues.
Some of the most bitter people have the most to be grateful for – they just can’t see it, writes Brian Harris.
Any full life has its winters. It certainly isn’t non stop, full steam ahead productivity. So is it possible to flourish in winter?
Here are three truths that writer and traveller Sonja Chua learned and re-learned about God during times of uncertainty.
Instead of believing we will hear from God at any time, perhaps we should recite this: “I hear from God when I am quiet enough to listen.”
Being merciful is more than refraining from sticking the knife in… it’s also about having eyes open to see those who are struggling.
A motorbike is all about danger; a scooter is about being chill. Jesus is both danger and chill at the same time, writes Sam Chan.
Why does God speak in dreams and visions that can be confusing and obscure? Why would he seemingly shroud his message in symbols?