Behind the fabric of this universe is a God who champions the weak, poor, and oppressed.That’s why the fabric of this universe is denim…
Christian Teaching
There are still wars and strife all over the world. So does this mean that Jesus failed in his mission to transform humanity?
Of course, the Bible doesn’t mention AI… but it does have many things to say about technology, writes Akos Balogh.
Keep people at a distance and you only see them in blurry outlines. It’s then easy to perpetuate myths about them, writes Brian Harris.
Often we want to be lilke a mighty tree… but Jesus teaches us that the path to greatness is the path of the tiny mustard seed.
Do you ever wake up wanting to live like Peter Pan? You know the child who never grew up and frolicked in Neverland?
“This church thing, it’s just not working for me,” said my friend. It wasn’t the first time I had heard this.
Who made God? The short answer, is of course, that no-one made God. God is himself the maker and original cause of all that exists…
While Jean Luc Picard is not quite fully human, and not quite fully AI, the Bible tells us that Jesus is both fully human and fully God.
Trusting in the Lord means to abandon our own understanding of the way things are or should be, and to surrender to him.