Did you know they almost ran out of pink paint making the Barbie movie? That’s because things had to look really fake.
Christian Teaching
As humans there’ll always be an “us” and a “them”. But Jesus says to love everyone. Especially those who don’t ‘nod’ back!
God has a vision and a purpose and a dignity for singleness in the life of His people that is grander than we realise.
No-one is immune to failure, but it is still deeply unsettling when someone we trusted and looked up to turns out to be deeply flawed.
Feeling like God hasn’t kept our ‘bargain’ limits our ability to trust God. Brian Harris unpacks the limiting beliefs that hold us back.
How do we make sense of the changes AI is bringing? What principles can we use to think through what we adopt and how we adopt it?
Tim Keller’s final book does what the writer did for the bulk of his ministry: it infuses a deep gracious call for spiritual transformation.
Ted Lasso episodes have become bloated. Episodes are now 60 minutes long. There’s more drama and less comedy. And everyone has daddy issues.
Some of the most bitter people have the most to be grateful for – they just can’t see it, writes Brian Harris.
Any full life has its winters. It certainly isn’t non stop, full steam ahead productivity. So is it possible to flourish in winter?