Filmed during the pandemic, this sweet, charming tale wraps up a trying year with levity and hope, according to Australian star Ezekiel Simat.
Celebration and Events
Thanksgiving movies the whole family will love, now all you had to do is decide what to watch first….and cook the popcorn.
The Queen’s big day was in April, so why is it celebrated in June? And what’s in store this year, in the wake of Prince Philip’s death?
Sue Brierley has used her own childhood to relate to the hardships faced by her sons, Saroo and Mantosh, and shares her story in ‘Lioness’.
Here’s what’s happening around the country to honour our ANZACs this year. It looks a little different for each state and territory.
Learn how to make a palm cross for Palm Sunday with these easy step-by-step instructions – a fun hands on craft activity you can do with kids.
This year a national moment has emerged – a time to pray in unison by Tuning in Together to #ChangeTheHeart of Australia.
Packing a shoebox sends a message of hope, letting kids know that God loves them and has not forgotten them during this time of fear and uncertainty.
The record for the largest Christmas light display is held by David Richards who hung over 120 kilometres of lights across a downtown Canberra Mall.
Four ways to build your anxious or disappointed kids’ character and positive mindset through gratitude over the coming weeks.