In order to stay the course and remain customer-focussed, organisations must be very clear on their purpose for existence.
At Work
The problem is, creativity is not designed for solving problems. Sure, it can be helpful, but it’s not what it’s for.
As women we owe Tina Turner so much more then just what she gave us on stage. She inspired women by showing us what we are capable of.
Despite the convenience of remote working, it doesn’t help build trust and innovation among employees, writes Michael McQueen.
The job that you were once so excited to have landed no longer sparks the same joy. What can you do about it?
A kind of gig economy for digital spaces, the creator economy involves those who are using online platforms to publish and monetise content.
It’s in times of discomfort, awkwardness, and a feeling that you lack confidence, when real growth can happen, writes Rachel Reva.
Authoritative, hierarchical leadership is out; collaborative and coordinated leadership is in, especially for a team of mixed generations.
What if God wants us to stay in a tough job as He has important plans for us coming up? What if we’re meant to go and look for our next gig?
So many people talk about focusing on your strengths – but identifying a weakness and working on it, is also a huge key to success.